12 songs of Christmas

Hey, Mr. Santa! 
.... click on the pic to presave on your favourite streaming service

Hey Mr Santa, are you gonna fly today
seen you last Christmas night somewhere on the way are you gonna fly high again
darting through the sky
waiting for the presents to come
now it's Christmas time

Dancing into Christmas
...click on the pic to presave on your favourite streaming service

All the world is turning white
as the candles shine their lights even we have shiny eyes
looks like it's Christmas

12 songs of Christmas, heartfelt, cozy Christmas tunes for the holiday season. Comforting and touching heart and soul. 

The Reverend intended to shine a light. Now it will be a chandeleer. 

The Reverend's Allstars

Your Christmas companions

The Reverend´s Allstars presenting heartwarming Christmas tunes, reaching deep into our hearts. Wonderful Christmas stories are told by great singers bringing Reverend Joe´s lovely stories, words and melodies in beautful arrangements to the world.

©Copyright 2024 The Reverend´s Choice Music. All rights reserved

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